Tuesday Truth #68

Tuesday Truth.

Number 68.

There’s just something about Nature, isn’t there?

Something that makes you breathe a little deeper, feel a little calmer, and find a little more joy in the present moment.

When I am breathing in all the beauty that surrounds me, I am reminded that everything in Nature blossoms in its own time.

It does not force its way forward.

It is a magical unfolding.

Such as our journey through life.

A daily unfolding.

A weekly unfolding.

A yearly unfolding.

Have you ever stopped to look back at the past year of your life? The past three years? The past five?

Would you even recognize yourself? Your current life? Did you think it would unfold in this direction?

We are all evolving.

Every day evolving.

Perhaps when you look back over those years, it doesn’t look all that different. But I can assure you it is. You have changed. For better or for worse you have changed. You have learned new things, have seen new things, maybe you have even been somewhere new. Every word you hear, read, speak…it changes something.

Something outside of you?

Something inside of you?

Only you can say.

Nature does not hurry along its way.

Its growth is effortless.

Change takes time.

It takes patience.

A perpetual forward motion. No matter how slowly.

This magical unfolding.

Life is a journey to be experienced, not an end point to be conquered.

Follow your inner compass and enjoy the unfolding.

Let your light shine!


p.s. – many of my more recent posts in the Tuesday Truth series have relied on stock photos since I haven’t been out to shoot for a while (that whole muse leaving the building I talked about before), but this one is a gorgeous winter sunset on Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia. Nature truly is breathtaking! Wishing you all an amazing week ahead and sending you all much love and light. xx

13 thoughts on “Tuesday Truth #68

  1. Deeper, calmer, joyful. I feel like this last year I’ve been able to embrace those concepts and be myself more than ever before. Oddly enough your IG photos of Naples beach made me realize how much I’ve changed for the better, since last I visited there.

    1. Those are such wonderful concepts to embrace. It’s interesting how a place can serve up memories for reflection. Changing for the better is definitely in the right direction. 😉

  2. I always get goosebumps when I click on your posts, Amy. This is even before I have read them. My body is prepared for something good on the way. Beautiful words, “…a magical unfolding…” I love “follow your inner compass.” I saw a recent photo of you on Instagram. Beautiful! Watching you soak in nature. Your heading photos is breathtaking! A beautiful post!xx

    1. Thank you, Deborah. One nice thing about winter is that they do serve up some spectacular sunsets.

      I just returned home from a week of soaking up some Florida sunshine! My heart is full and my soul content. xx

  3. So lovely, what a beautiful set of questions to ponder. Five years ago me is awed at the children, hm? That never stops 🙂 Five years ago me also doesn’t clean the house as often, and she judges me. Hah!
    My husband was tryin to have a pity party last week and after commiserating with him, I took him back to where he was so he could gain some fresh perspective on his blessings. These are the good old days, we never know what will change and it’s important to pay attention. Easy to get bogged down with daily mundane details. Must keep attitude of gratitude.
    Although I work in an office, I go outside at least once a day to commune with nature. And I do not take my phone. I see a surprising amount of wildlife and cats because I’m looking. It’s a nice break from screens and paper and well, people. 🙂

    1. It’s an interesting journey with children. It seems like their lives change so rapidly when you look back at a short expanse of time. I feel like I have better order to the chaos that is my house than five years ago me. lol.
      It IS easy to get bogged down in the daily. One of my goals this year is to commit my gratitude practice to paper so I can look back a reflect on all my blessings in a more tangible way.
      Yes to breaks from screens and paper…and people!! 😉

  4. What beautiful words and sentiments you’ve expressed here Amy. And so true, we’re all evolving, changing, every day and in every way. Sending you much love and warm hugs. xx

    1. It’s amazing the evolution happening daily. Transformation. Rebirth. Cycles of life…
      Thank you so much for the love and warm hugs, Miriam!! Sending them right back. xx

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