Tuesday Truth #69

Tuesday Truth.

Number 69.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.

I’ll meet you there.”


Today’s truth is a reminder that beyond all the constructs, we are one.

There are so many moments in life that define us individually. Moments that shape the direction of our thoughts, our motives, our actions…

When we take the time to truly listen to others we begin to understand each other more and are able hold space for compassion and kindness.

This is how we grow.

Not by passing judgments.

Or labeling people as other.

But by breaking stigmas, dissolving barriers, holding space…. listening with open ears and a compassionate heart.

I hope that you are having a marvelous day.

As for me, I’m off to tend that field.

Let your light shine!


17 thoughts on “Tuesday Truth #69

  1. Such a good reminder that we are one. We live in a world that doesn’t like you to remember that. Happy Tuesday, hope tending your field is wonderful!

    1. It’s unfortunate that more focus isn’t placed on the fact that we are one. The tending of the field was intense, but so much was gained that I will gladly spend time there again. I hope that you’re having a wonderful weekend!!

  2. I love this truth, Amy. Possibly the concept of grey, and no right or wrong.

    You said the word “listen” Amy, and I am one big goosebump. About an hour ago I finished the book, “The Listening Path, The Creative Art of Attention” by Julia Cameron. If you have not read this book yet, I highly recommend it. It almost sounds like you have read this book, with the wisdom you share here.

    I have mentioned before how we are on some sort of karmic path, Amy, where your posts come at a specific time in my life. I loved this!xx

    1. This truth was and continues to be a guidepost…a beacon of light…a way to aim for me.
      I have not read that book by Julia Cameron, but I am definitely making a note of it. I feel honored that my posts show up at specific times in your life, Erica. I feel sure that our paths were meant to cross. xx

  3. This Rumi quote is powerful, Amy. Like you say, we are one. I appreciate the words/concept “hold space” and compassion and kindness. Great reminders, beautifully written. Thank you!💕

    1. I just noticed how I commented on this post a few weeks ago. It has been a challenging few weeks with family health issues. Possibly the Universe is letting me know I need to hear these words again. 💕

      1. I’m sorry to hear that you are having challenging times, Erica. Sometimes the Universe truly does step in with exactly what we need to hear. I chose that quote while going through some family things of my own. At the time, I didn’t realize that in the days going forward I would need to even more fully embrace that truth. Sending you much love!! xx

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