Tuesday Truth #11

Tuesday Truth.

Number 11.


Personally, I struggle with this one.

My mind is always on.

Internal Chatter.

Monkey Mind.

My journey toward becoming its master is incorporating meditation.

And trying to be more conscious of staying present.

In the here and now.

How do you endeavor to be the master instead of the slave of your instrument?

Let your light shine!



Check out some other Tuesday Truths:






9 thoughts on “Tuesday Truth #11

  1. Hi Amy, I do get it…….on the Monkey Mind. The first time I heard this phrase was at yoga and trying to quiet the Monkey Mind. I agree with trying to stay present. I am a work in progress on this one. I look forward to reading more. πŸ™‚ Erica

    1. I think many of us are works in progress on this one. But I think that even making attempts to try to stay in the present counts as many steps ahead in the process. πŸ™‚

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