Tuesday Truth #9

Tuesday Truth.

Number 9.

Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world - Desmond Tutu

It’s easy to think that the bit of good we can offer won’t matter in the big picture.

That we could never do enough to make a difference.

But I can assure you that it does matter.

All those collective pieces of good come together like a jigsaw puzzle and form a masterpiece.

So go out there today and let your bit of good begin to overwhelm the world.

Let your light shine!


For more Tuesday Truths, check these out:





6 thoughts on “Tuesday Truth #9

  1. This is so true!!! It’s easy to get paralyzed by the picture and the future and forget the good we can do here and now (and appreciate the here and now). Thanks for sharing, Amy!

    1. I’m glad you liked it Mackenzie! I find that I often get caught up thinking I need to do some “great, big good thing”. I think this quote really puts it into perspective.

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