Tuesday Truth #29

Tuesday Truth.

Number 29.

Today is the Tomorrow that you talked about Yesterday.-2.jpg

Think of this as your reminder from the Universe.

If you’ve been to the homepage of my website, you may have noticed a change. It’s still a work in progress, but creating a static homepage gives me some freedom in my posting style. I love these Tuesday Truths, but I don’t want somebody landing on my home page to think that is all that I share, even though they’ve been the only new work that I’m sharing because I’m busily re-working some of my older posts.

I’ve also re-vamped the photography shop. You can get a giant sneak-peek of the Charleston, SC shots since many are already in the shop.

On Wednesday, the hubby and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage. The Charleston trip was an early trip to celebrate that since we won’t be able to get away together this month. I’m hoping to have the first post live to coincide with our anniversary. That’s assuming I can finish tweaking it without this crazy thing called life interrupting the process.

So what will today look like in light of it being the tomorrow that you talked about yesterday?

Let your light shine!


10 thoughts on “Tuesday Truth #29

  1. I think it’s great that you’re evolving your blog. I change my mind all the time about mine (as you know – eye roll) lol

    1. Thanks, Jonathan!! It’s still definitely a work in progress and I’m seeing things and tweaking them, but if I waited until I thought it was “perfect” I’d never do it. Ha!Ha! Yes, you do change your mind about yours often. But it’s great that it’s your space and you have the freedom to do it. 🙂

  2. Great quote, Amy. I always need reminders. I admire how you are evolving your home page. We are all a work in progress. I look forward to watching you bloom. Congratulations to you and your husband on your 20th Anniversary!

      1. I need to update my site, just been too busy and alert find some adventure I would rather take part in 😉

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