Thoughts on turning the page…To 41

Thoughts on turning the page…To 41

Birthday Celebrations. That's right! It's my birthday! I'm singin' and dancin' that out ya'll! Thoughts on being 40. I had an amazing year of being 40. I grew by leaps and bounds. Pressing comfort zones both physically and mentally. It really felt like a coming into my own. Background. If you are new to my [...]

Lessons Learned During My Month of Being a Vegetarian

Lessons Learned During My Month of Being a Vegetarian

Vegetarian. I hadn't heard the phrase Veganuary, until well into the month of January. Otherwise, I might have gone Vegan for the month. As it was, my January Challenge was to become a Vegetarian for 30 days. Along the way, I learned a few lessons. Lessons learned. Likely, the biggest lesson that I learned was : [...]

Lessons Learned While Practicing Gratitude

Lessons Learned While Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude. Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful. It is a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. There have been numerous recent (and probably old ones as well) studies that show how practicing gratitude each day is good for our mental health. December tends to be a whirlwind of activity [...]