Bedlam & Daisies

Tuesday Truth #23

Tuesday Truth.

Number 23.

The most important reason for going from one place to another is see what's in between. - Norton Juster

I’m still steadily heading through February’s photo challenge. I came across this quote and thought it would be perfect to share here.

I think that sometimes we forget that there is just as many hidden treasures, sweet surprises, and outright delights along our journey. Often we get so focused on the destination that we miss everything along the way.

Let today be a reminder to take a moment to look around you. What color is the sky today? Is it cloudless? Is the sun shining? Or maybe it’s covered in clouds and the rain is pouring down? Stop and smell the air. Is there a hint of some scent wafting through the breeze? What other colors do you see around you? Listen. What sounds do you hear? Birds singing? Cars driving by? Music playing?

Don’t rush mindlessly throughout your day.



Enjoy the journey.

Let your light shine!


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