Bedlam & Daisies

Tuesday Truth #32

Tuesday Truth.

Number 32.

We are on the countdown for the end of the school year. That means my schedule will be even busier!

In recent news, Miss Sunshine got her learner’s permit for driving. I’ve heard that she’s doing really well. Since I don’t passenger well, her dad does the teaching. I don’t ride with them many months later. She’s also getting her braces off today and playing a soccer game tonight. See?! Busy spring. Also, Big Mr. is finishing up some schooling and this is his week of testing. His classes officially end next week and then he will be on the job hunt! And of course Mr. D is finishing up his Senior year and looking forward to graduation day.

Since I’m all about “blooming” past your comfort zones, I thought this was the perfect truth to share this week!

What’s going on in your life lately?

Let your light shine!

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