Tuesday Truth #41

Tuesday Truth.

Number 41.

Today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want. - Ken Poirot

I thought this quote quite perfect given that my youngest has returned to school. It was very strange to be down to the last of my three for the first day of school. My life has been dictated by school schedules since 2005. If you count the part-time half days of preschool, even longer.

I have known that I was working toward a new phase…that empty nest phase…for quite some time. It was even part of the reason for beginning this blog.

To discover where my journey might lead in that next phase.

So while the quote holds its truth for my children and the future they are placing the foundation below, it also holds its truth for my own evolution. I am laying down, brick by brick, a future of my own.

For me, that entails enjoying the present moment and learning to go with the flow while also making sure to pay attention to the little messages from the universe. Staying in alignment with my authenticity and discovering little moments of joy. Believing in the magic held in the flutter of the butterfly’s wing or the secret tales told in the songs from the birds that flit about the trees high above my head.

It means doing my part to leave the world a little better.

Reducing my waste, lowering my plastic consumption, feeding the birds, showing my children that they are unconditionally loved, learning to love myself a little more, trying to spread more kindness and offer up moments of joy.

Does your tomorrow look the way you’d like it to look?

Let your light shine!


15 thoughts on “Tuesday Truth #41

  1. A beautiful post Amy. Learning to go with the flow whilst laying down bricks of foundation for a new future is an ongoing work of balance isn’t it? I wish you and your family well. xx

  2. “Does your tomorrow look the way you’d like it to look?” … that’s a very thought-provoking question and one that I too have been pondering a while. I’m learning that it gently evolves over time … but I like that you’ve included leaving the world a little better and kinder.

  3. You always come up with the best quotes, Amy! I agree with you on our life’s path having phases. You have laid a foundation with your children and built a relationship. Your nest will never be entirely empty.

    From what I have read in your writing, Amy, I know you are making this world and the future a better place. You remind me how “awareness” is a key factor. Thank you for shining your light:)

    1. Thank you, Erica! I’m happy to think that my nest will never be entirely empty. Last night I had some texting with the one who moved away and it reminded me that I will always be mom…and it filled my heart.

      Thank you for the kind words about my light. I remind myself that even three steps forward and two steps back is still progress. 🙂

  4. You are on your way Amy! But, it does not happen as quickly as you might want. My kids have been through and out of college and I am still putting it together 😂

  5. While I’m not sure if my ‘tomorrows’ are shaping up quite the way I might envision or desire, I agree with absolutely everything you’ve written. From taking the time to relish those little moments of joy to marveling at the beauty in nature to wanting to do more to make the world a kinder, more joyful place… that, in my mind, is the best way to guarantee a brighter tomorrow. 🙂

  6. Another one that I really needed to hear. I love how this quote is so applicable to us in our different stages… your daughter as she heads to school, you as you enter this empty nest phase (sending hugs!!), and me as I am about to begin the second year of my doctorate program… I needed to hear this <3 I feel sometimes "behind" because many of my friends are already having kids or getting certifications in different areas of nursing and I am just still truckin' along in school. So thank you for this reminder that this is an investment in opportunity to build my future <3

    1. It’s sometimes hard not to compare our “stage of life” to those in our circles, but we all are here for different purposes and your investment in your schooling will touch so many lives!! xx

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