30 Day Challenge…March

30 Day Fitness Challenge Monthly Challenge

30 Day Challenge.

Once again it’s time to announce my next thirty-day challenge.

If you are new to my blog, every month, since I turned 40 back in September, I set a new thirty-day challenge for myself. The goal is to have my year of being 40, a time to press outside of my comfort zones and to challenge myself in new ways.

I’ve noticed a tendency to switch one month with a challenge that is more mental in nature and the next month with a challenge that is more physical in nature. Obviously, most challenges contain an element of both, but one does tend to be the stronger factor.

February’s challenge was to read 3 classic novels in 30 days.

So sticking with my tendencies, March will be a challenge that is more physical in nature.


March Challenge.

The 30-day challenge for March will be:

30 days of achieving 10,000 steps per day


30 day plank challenge

Calia by Carrie Underwood tank and Nike running shoes

10,000 steps per day.

There are a lot of popular indicators that we should try to walk 10,000 steps per day. There is some debate about that precise amount of steps. This PubMed abstract from 2004 said this appears to be a reasonable goal for most populations.

I’ve been noticing that I have a tendency to spend a lot of time sitting. Between writing posts, editing photos, and other computer related work, I often sit for many hours at a time.

Even though I do move to go to Pilates, run errands, and clean my house, I still felt like challenging myself to move more. 10,000 steps gives me a target to attain. I’ve dusted off my Fitbit and will be tracking my steps throughout March. I plan to do more walking, running, and hiking since the weather is getting nicer.

I do have a secondary motive for having such an active challenge for the month of March. We head to Aruba at the end of this challenge and I would like to be more fit before we head to crystal clear beaches.

Side Plank

Plank Challenge.

Since I will be in a bathing suit for most of that week in Aruba, I wanted work on strengthening my core muscles. I decided to look at plank challenges. As soon as I mentioned it, both the hubby and Miss Sunshine said that they would join me on this part of the monthly challenge.

I dug around on Pinterest and opted for this Jillian Michaels 30 day 5 minute plank challenge.

Don’t worry, it’s not side planks like the photo of me from Christmastime. This time I’ll try to have someone snap some photos at the completion of the plank challenge because it’s hard to get in to form in time for the self-timer!

30 Day Fitness Challenge Monthly Challenge

As always, you are welcome to join along on the challenge.

The hubby and Miss Sunshine are advocating we start the challenge at higher than a 10 second hold to start since they’ve held planks longer and I’ve been going to Pilates (mat Pilates) for a year and can hold a plank longer as well (although I don’t think any of us have tried to attain the finale of 5 minutes).

We may take that option, but don’t feel like you need to do that.

Even if you only choose to do one of the two challenges, I hope that you’ll join in this month!

If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. - Martin Luther King Jr. quote quotes photoquote

Let your light shine!


41 thoughts on “30 Day Challenge…March

  1. I will join you on the plank challenge. I don’t have a fit-bit so counting steps isn’t an option and I’ll decide how long to ions the plank after I’ve tried it. Thanks!

    1. Yay!! I’m so happy that you’re going to join in the plank challenge. I can’t recall the longest I’ve held one, but nowhere that final of 5 minutes!

    1. Thanks Dee! I think it’ll be my hardest physical challenge yet, but Aruba will be a great reward! 🙂

  2. Thanks for the Jillian Michaels link to The Plank…sounds like something I can do day or night and stay on a daily track. Fun that Hubby and Sunshine are joining you!

    1. You’re welcome Pierr. I do like that the time commitment each day is short enough that the time of day becomes very flexible. I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Sedi. I like the idea of Aruba as my reward. It’ll make me want to accomplish the challenge even more. 🙂

  3. I did the 5 minute plank challenge a few years ago . It’s hard! I made it to 4 minutes but not 5. I was just thinking the other day that I need to add the plank back to my morning stretch routine. I will be content with 30 seconds a day 😁.

    Best of luck to you 3 with the challenge!!

    1. Thanks Deborah. I am a little nervous about the challenges, but it IS about pushing myself.
      I wore my fitbit yesterday to see what an average day of errands and housework might be and it was only 6,500 steps (but 18 floors!).
      I’m not sure how long I’ve held a plank. I think 2 minutes…but I haven’t tried building up.
      I’m keeping my fingers crossed on this one. I’m not a fan of losing to myself. lol.

  4. I can probably follow along – if I walk to work, I can hit 10k steps easily every day (probably double), but then some days I have to get back from work quickly to ferry the kids between clubs in town. I’ll have to think about it.

    1. Yay!! I hope you join in.

      I dusted off the fitbit to see what kind of work I need to be prepared for come Thursday. An average day of errand running and cleaning the house only came in at 6,500 steps (but I climbed 18 floors!).

      When we were in Paris, we averaged 7-10 miles a day (which was 17,000-20,000ish steps).

      Unfortunately, I don’t live in a walking town. I know that I’ll need to step up my game!

  5. Your post has inspired me to do this physical challenge to get in shape too. Currently I am at the 9000 steps level. Will try to increase to 10000 steps this March. Thanks for this inspiring post. Keep us updated on your progress!

    1. Yay!! I’m so happy that you’ll be joining in. I hadn’t been tracking my steps until a few days ago. 9,000 is a GREAT start because my trial run was only 6,500!

    1. Thanks Joanne!! I have to admit I’m kind of nervous! I’ve done a few trial tests and they’ll both definitely be a CHALLENGE! 🙂

  6. Cool. We used to have plank challenges before dinner every night. We stopped doing that when I went to work full-time. We need to bring it back, even though The Mister always wins.

    1. The 10 second addition each night makes it seem manageable, but I’m fairly nervous about once we get to two minutes plus!

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